Diversity and Inclusion

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Diversity and Inclusion

We believe that diversity is a great opportunity to be celebrated. By celebrating diversity, we bring inclusiveness in our approach in all the work we engagement in.

Our diversity work includes workplace diversity, dealing with global and respectful culture of business and also being more inclusive of gender, age, ability and other facets of diversity.

Our offerings in D&I includes:
  1. Inclusive and safe work spaces for people of diverse nature
  2. Facilitation and support in executing POSH Act 2013
  3. Guiding and participation in the ICC and officiating the internal enquiry under POSH Act.
  4. Training and sensitization on POSH ACT 2013

We facilitate processes for “diversity and inclusion” in organisations focusing on gender, disability as we bring about our rich experience and strength of working with women, representatives of LGBTQ, persons with disabilities, persons with varied socio-economic background, disaster victims, marginalised communities etc.

D & I work includes facilitation and support towards implementation of POSH Act 2013. We conduct training and sensitization under Sexual Harassment for Women at Work place (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act 2013. Advance training and capacity building is done for the IC committee for them to address the issue in the organization with much more openness and effectivity.

We also ensure justice and change towards creation of safe working space for all employees (irrespective of their gender) under POSH Act by representing as external member in the “Internal Committee” of few organisations. We provide guidance and support in conducting inquiries in cases reported under this Act and also help management to reach appropriate justified action on the basis of findings of inquiries.